
Thursday, 12 June 2014

(Week 3) GSoC 2014: Extending Neural Networks Module for Scikit learn

This week, with the help of many reviewers I completed a user friendly multi-layer perceptron algorithm in Python. While it is still a Pull Request , the algorithm can be downloaded by following these steps,

1) git clone
2) cd scikit-learn/
3) git fetch origin refs/pull/3204/head:mlp
4) git checkout mlp

Creating an MLP classifier is easy. First, import the scikit-learn library; then, initialize an MLP classifier by executing these statements,

  from sklearn.neural_network import MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
  clf = MultilayerPerceptronClassifier()

If you'd like to have 3 hidden layers of sizes 150-100-50, create an MLP object using this statement,

   clf = MultilayerPerceptronClassifier(n_hidden=[150, 100, 50])

Training and testing are done the same way as any learning algorithm in scikit-learn.

In addition, you can tune many parameters for your classifier. Some of the interesting ones are,

1) the algorithm parameter, which allows users to select the type of algorithm for optimizing the neural network weights, which is either stochastic gradient descent SGD and l-bfgs; and

2) the max_iter parameter, which allows users to set the number of maximum iterations the network can run.

After training mlp, you can view the minimum cost achieved by printing mlp.cost_. This gives an idea of how well the algorithm has trained.

The implementation passed high standard tests and achieved expected performance for the MNIST dataset. MLP with one hidden layer of 200 neurons, and 400 iterations achieved great results in the MNIST benchmark compared to other algorithms shown below,

 Classification performance                                                         
 Classifier                         train-time                          test-time                       error-rate
  Multi layer Perceptron         655.5s                            0.30s                            0.0169
  nystroem_approx_svm         125.0s                            0.91s                            0.0239
  ExtraTrees                             79.9s                           0.34s                            0.0272
  fourier_approx_svm             148.9s                            0.60s                            0.0488
  LogisticRegression                68.9s                            0.14s                            0.0799  

For next week, I will implement extreme learning machine algorithms. These use the least-square solution approach for training neural networks, and therefore they are both quick and efficient with interesting applications.


  1. Does it support auto-tuning network parameters with gridsearchcv?

  2. Oh yes it does. In fact, I have one example file that tests the results of choosing between different number of hidden neurons using gridsearchcv.

  3. I love some help with the implementation of this in the Anaconda distribution and ipython notebook. I have added the four steps above in my terminal. All work fine.

    I then go to a ipython notebook and add " from sklearn.neural_network import MultilayerPerceptronClassifier".

    I get an error that "ImportError: cannot import name MultilayerPerceptronClassifier". I assume this is b/c is not configured properly with anaconda.

    Help, please.

  4. Hi Myles, I am facing the same problem. Have you found solution to it?
    Thank you!

  5. Hi Myles, I am facing the same problem. Have you found solution to it?
    Thank you!

  6. Hi all, sorry for replying this late! indeed this doesn't work all the time, however, it is always possible to copy the files to your work directory and import them directly. I will soon have these implementations uploaded in the pip repository so you could install them using "pip install"!


  7. Hi, I also tried the above commands and was not able to install it. I checked and the files seem to be in the correct sklearn folder. Do you know why this sometimes doesn't work? Is the pip install now available? Thanks!
