
Sunday, 22 June 2014

Mid-term Summary 
GSoC 2014: Extending Neural Networks Module for Scikit-Learn

The objective is to implement neural network algorithms in a clean, well-tested code using the scikit-learn API. The algorithms are meant to be user-friendly and easy to edit and scale for those who wish to extend, or debug them if necessary.

Since the start of GSoC 2014 until now, I completed two modules, multi-layer perceptron (mlp) #3204 and mlp with pre-training #3281, which are pending final review for merging. I also implemented the extreme learning machine (elm) algorithm #3306 which hasn't been reviewed yet and more components such as test files, examples, and documentations are required. However, I am confident that I will complete it by the deadline I set in the proposal.

In the following three sections, I will explain the modules in more detail.

1) Multi-layer perceptron  #3204
Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) supports more than one hidden layer allowing it to construct highly non-linear functions. Figure 1 displays an MLP with 1 hidden layer.

Figure 1

To define the number of hidden layers and their neurons, one can simply run the following statement.

The list '[150, 100]' means that two hidden layers are constructed with 150 and 100, neurons respectively.

Further, MLP can be used for reinforcement learning where each time step makes a new training sample. It can use the `partial_fit` method to update its weights on per sample basis in real-time (stochastic update).

MLP also consists of a regularization term `alpha` as part of its parameters, whose value determines the degree of non-linearity the function is meant to have. Therefore, if the algorithm is overfitting, it is desirable to increase `alpha` to have a more linear function. Figure 2 demonstrates  the decision boundaries learnt by mlp with different alpha values.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows that the higher the value of `alpha`, the less curves the decision boundary will have.

The implementation has passed through various test cases to prevent unexpected behavior. One of the test cases involves comparing between the algorithm's analytic computation of the gradient and its numerical computation. Since the difference between the values was found to be at most a very small value means the backpropagation algorithm is working as expected.

2) MLP with pre-training #3281

One issue with MLP is that it involves random weights' initialization. The weights could land in a poor position in the optimization (see Figure 3) whose final solutions are not as good as they could be.

Figure 3

Pre-training is one scheme to have the initial weights land in a better start. Restricted boltzmann machines (RBMs) can find such initial weights. Figure 4 shows the process of pre-training.

Figure 4
For each layer in the network, there is an RBM that trains on the inputs given for that layer. The final weights of the RBM are given as the initial weights of the corresponding layer in the network.

Running an example of pre-training has showed that RBMs can improve the final performance. For instance, on the digits the dataset, the following results were obtained.

1) Testing accuracy of mlp without pretraining: 0.964
2) Testing accuracy of mlp with pretraining: 0.978

3) Extreme learning machine (elm) #3306 

Much of the criticism towards MLP is in its long training time. MLP uses the slow gradient descent to updates its weights iteratively, involving many demanding computations.

Extreme learning machines (ELMs) [1], on the other hand, can train single hidden layer feedforward networks (SLFNs) using least square solutions instead of gradient descent. This scheme requires only few matrix operations, making it much faster than gradient descent. It also has a strong generalization power since it uses least-squares to find its solutions.

The algorithm has been implemented and it passed the travis tests. But it still awaits more thorough review and test files to anticipate errors.

I believe I will finalize the module by 29 June as per the proposal.

Remaining work

In the remaining weeks my tasks are broken down as follows.

Week 7, 8 (June 30 - July 13)

I will implement and revise regularized ELMs [3] and weighted ELMs [4], and extend the ELMs documentation.

Week 9, 10  (July 14- July 27)

I will implement and revise Sequential ELMs [2], and extend the ELMs documentation.

Week 11, 12 (July 28- August 10)

I will implement and revise Kernel-Based ELMs, and extend the ELMs documentation.

Week 13 - Wrap-up


I would like to thank my mentors and reviewers including @ogrisel, @larsmans @jnothman, @kasternkyle, @AlexanderFabisch for dedicating their time in providing useful feedback and comments, making sure the work meets high-quality standards. I sincerely appreciate the time PSF admins take to oversee the contributers as it encourages us to set a higher bar for quality work. I would also like to thank GSoC 2014, as this wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for their support and motivation.





[4]   Zong, Weiwei, Guang-Bin Huang, and Yiqiang Chen. "Weighted extreme learning machine for imbalance learning." Neurocomputing 101 (2013): 229-242.


  1. Just a quick comment: don't blindly trust the marketing speech from the ELM website. The following statements are clearly false or at least exaggerated:

    - "This scheme requires only few matrix operations, making it much faster than gradient descent." => solving a penalized least squares problem (ridge regression) in a machine learning context can sometimes be much faster using stochastic gradient descent depending on the number of samples, number of features, regularization strength, sparsity and conditioning of the data. The analytical formulation of the ridge regression estimator involves "only few matrix operations" but one of them is a matrix inversion and in practice damped least squares are solved using specialized solvers such as: which is used internally by the sklearn.linear_model.Ridge estimator.

    - "It also has a strong generalization power since it uses least-squares to find its solutions." => no loss function is uniformly better than any other. There is no guaranty that optimizing a classifier for least squares (in a one vs all multiclass setting) is actually better than the logistic or hinge losses in OvA or the cross-entropy loss. I would even say, quite the contrary, although the loss is generally not as impacting as data preprocessing issues and hyperparameter tuning such as the number of hidden nodes and the regularization strength of the classifier.

  2. Hi @Olivier, you are absolutely right - there is no proof that least-squares is always more beneficial and faster than SGD. Like you said, more sophisticated SGDs could be faster. It is just that these claims have been told so many times that I started taking them for granted. I believe the claimed advantages of ELM are meant to apply only in comparison to the traditional gradient descent - the first algorithm to train NNs using backpropagation. Thanks.
